Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednedsay Wramblings

Yes, I know that isn't how you spell ramblings... but I liked how using a W worked with Wednesday.  So that may be the title of my Wednesday posts from now on.  I feel a trademark coming on...

Feed My Face Update
I have somehow managed to resist the Ben and Jerry's in my freezer.  I am so proud!

See?!!!??!?!?!  There she is.  Still sitting right where she belongs.  I'll have to figure out some time to eat it.  Maybe after I run 10 miles or something.  Do you think that's a good goal?  Let me know...

When I am trying to eat to lose weight, I tend to eat a lot of things over and over again.  A lot of people get tired of the same meals, but when I find something that works, I don't mind the repetition.

Here is a list of foods I eat on a (almost) daily basis:
1.  Turkey sandwiches with a slice of Kraft BIG slice 2% lowfat cheese on Nature's Own 100% whole wheat bread.  For the Weight Watchers folks in the house, 2 points for the cheese, only 1 point for 2 slices of bread!!  It took a lot of research to find a bread brand/kind (NOT a sandwich thin) that would let me eat 2 slices for only 1 point.
2.  Omelette with 1 cup of liquid real egg with mushrooms, onions and green bell pepper.  Then I sprinkle 1/4 cup of 2% low fat shredded sharp cheddar on top and serve with salsa.  Whole thing?  4 points.  Beautiful.
3.  Dryers Frozen Fruit Bars (I like strawberry and grape).  1 point each.
4.  Chick-fila ice dream cones.  I have one or two a week for a special treat.  2 points each for the small.
5.  Baked potatoes with random stuff on top.  Potatoes are anywhere from 1-3 points depending on the size.  My dad is super-creative with what he puts on top.  When we go to Dickey's or any BBQ place, he basically puts the whole condiment bar on his potato.  Baked beans, pickles, peppers, jalapenos, everything.  I don't do that.  I like to put turkey and broccoli on mine at home.
6.  FRUIT.  All kinds, all day.  Usually 1 point each per piece or per cup.
7.  Diet Dr. Pepper.  I know it's not the best thing in the world to drink because of the chemicals and stuff, but it's a nice treat at the end of the day when you just need "the burn."
8.  Fiber One Bars - chocolate and peanut butter are my two favorite flavors.  BUT THEN.... I learned that the peanut butter ones are 3 points each and not the standard 2 points that all the other Fiber One bars are!!!  I had been counting them as 2 points for months the first time I did WW.  Ignorance was such bliss.

We need to talk a bit about Fiber One bars.  Circa 2009 when my dad and sister and I first did WW, Fiber One bars were the most popular WW go-to snack/breakfast.  You couldn't attend a single meeting without someone mentioning that they LOVE Fiber One bars.  They are dessert-like, filling, and only 2 points each.  So Dad, Kelsey and I starting living off of them.  We all were having at least one per day.  I mean, when you first start WW, you are scared to eat anything outside of the short list of things you've been told are okay and that you are 100% sure of the calculated points.  Anything else is "scary."

About 2 weeks later, my dad had a stench that followed him around like a fog.

We had no idea what was going on.  His truck stank.  He stank sitting next to you.  He farted constantly... and they were this ungodly funk that I cannot even explain to you.  It had gotten to a point when you could hardly stand to be around him.  I think he came close to losing friends.  That seems dramatic, but I am not kidding.  It made you choke.

So I started doing a little research and found out that it was probably the hailed Fiber One bars we had come to love.  Dad was NOT the only victim.  Others had noticed and were discussing the same problems online.

So my dad had to wean off of them.  It's really sad, actually, because I don't know what I'd do without them.  They are my breakfast almost everyday.  I do NOT have the gassy side effects that Dad does.  So if you eat a lot of Fiber One bars and have noticed that you have horrific gas or if your car smells like fart stink when you get into it, you may want to consider giving the rest of your stash to someone who is fiber-tolerant.

Sweaty Mess Update
I have been doing well on all my half marathon training.  I haven't missed a single workout or run yet.  Of course, we are only 2 weeks in, but if I can do it for 2 weeks, why not the whole time?  Right?  This week so far I have run 2 miles, done one Insanity workout, and taken the rest day.  The next 4 days include two 3 mile runs, an Insanity workout and the long 5 mile run that Dad and I will do Sunday morning before church.  If anyone out there wants to run 5 miles with us Sunday morning, you are welcome to join.  Just get in touch with me somehow via Facebook or the comment section of this blog or email me at

My Monday run was 2 miles.  I was an IDIOT and ran it at 4pm because I had this party deal-io to go to that evening and knew if I didn't run it before the party, there would be no way to do it after.  So, I took a picture of the weather on my phone right as I was going out the door, because it was ridiculous.

Yes.  It was 102 when I left to start the run.  Holy balls.  It was a BAD idea.  I will never do that again.  Running 2 miles in 102 felt like running 5 miles in decent weather.

Here's a brilliant capture of me after the run.

The more I continue to stare at this picture, the less convinced I am that it was a good idea to put it up here.  But whatevs.  You can tell I am smoking hot.  That towel I'm wearing is what I continually dipped in ice water and put on my head for about an hour.  And my face stayed about that red for a solid 90 minutes.

I'm in nursing school and eventually will share the woes of all that, but we don't start class until August 20, so until then, no syringes.  I do work in the ICU at a hospital close by, but I can't really talk about that too much because I have to respect the privacy of the patients I help take care of as well as the friendships I am developing with my coworkers.  There are so many hilarious things I could tell, though....

1 comment:

  1. I completely expected to see Smart Ones Sante Fe Rice and Beans on that list. And grape tomatoes ;).
