Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Popping the Blog Cherry

I love blog stalking. It's my reality t.v.  But I am a blog virgin.

I've read others' blogs and envied that these people have this amazing forum to express what is going on in their lives. It's really just a public journal. I am not a comical writer, and I don't have the incredible wit that my virtual BFFs do. No one will ever find or follow my blog. BUT I want to do it for myself. So this is a feeble attempt to write down what I'm feeling and what's going on in my life. Here are the top things that consume me right now:

1. I am a full-time nursing school student. I am about to start my last semester and will graduate in December 2012. Thank God. I've been going to school since I was 5.

2. I have two of the best kids on the planet. I know every mom thinks that, but it's actually true for me. Brace yourself and try not to be jealous... 

I told you they were amazing. Here are a couple award-winning poses of them when they found a new app on our iPad. 


3. I am trying to lose 50 pounds. I currently weigh 185 and am trying to get down to 135, which is what I was when I married my husband 9 1/2 years ago. I gained an enormous amount of weight with both my pregnancies and through Weight Watchers, was able to get down to 145 three years ago. But now I have put 40 pounds of that back on. I am going to attempt to blame that on going back to school full time and just needing chips and salsa a stress outlet. But truth be known, I am a bottomless pit with an addictive personality and when I decide to EAT, I really really EAT. It's bad and embarrassing, but I really don't want to be one of those moms that just lets themselves go and only thinks about their kids. I don't want to live vicariously through my daughter's wardrobe, while I only wear yoga pants and tshirts because I am rolling out of anything else.

So the plan to lose 50 pounds is 1) use Weight Watchers to count every morsel of food that crosses these lips. 2) Workout 5-6 days per week. 3) Weigh every week. Currently I have it in mind to do this on Sundays, but that may change.  It will depend on if I might need prayer after stepping on the scale...

4. I am training to run a half marathon with my dad. It's on December 31, 2012 in Allen, TX (about 30 minutes north of Dallas). The training plan is something I totally half-assed and plagiarized from other published training plans brilliantly put together with all of my running knowledge and skills. I really want to be a "real" runner. I have done half a dozen 5Ks, 1 10K and ran/walked 1 half marathon. For my training plan, click here

Tomorrow I'll work to upload some pictures of me through the years.  It'll be like a private showing of "Beauty and the Beast."

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